Stuck in the waiting room: Why women and minority groups are still underrepresented in top management

Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of research looking at how well women are represented in top companies. The findings continue to be distressing. Whether in Canada or the United States, the proportion of women in top management in large organizations still hovers around five per cent.Can we expect this […]
Reasons why diversity policies are counter-productive in major corporations

Martine Liautaud denounces conformism in major corporations instead of valuing competence and true diversity. Corporate diversity is a necessity. Way beyond a question of basic justice, it is a deeply concerning obligation if we want to succeed in a world of unprecedented changes. If organizations don’t seek out talent wherever it’s to be found, if […]
June 2023: Sparking Innovation: Inclusion, Collaboration and Teams

The new edition of our program developed with Stanford Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab starts on June 13.This 2023 edition has been renewed and enriched with new modules. Melissa Jones will lead a session dedicated to the complex dynamics of power to better understand situations and people and to benefit from the talent of each one. […]
May 2023: Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders Program

This program dedicated to improving leadership and team or project management skills was held in Montreal from May 14 to 19.For six days, the twenty or so participants benefited from the expertise and complementary cultures of Mc Gill Executive and CentraleSupélec Exed on these subjects.The teachings, meetings and exceptional moments make this program a unique […]
March 2023: CentraleSupélec « Sustainable and Transformative Leadership »

Created in 2021 with CentraleSupélec, the new cycle « Sustainable and Transformative Leadership » brought together more than 70 participants from 8 countries from March 6 to 23. Discover the program
WIF New York

Michèle Sicard joins the Foundation, she is in charge of operations for the East Coast of the United States. Read more about Michèle Sicard
Berkeley IBI Leadership Master Classes

The second edition of this unique program created with the UC Berkeley Institute for Business Innovation was held at the end of January 2023 and brought together more than 70 participants from some 20 different countries.The seven sessions led by leaders and expert professors focused on concrete solutions and new levers of competitiveness that enable […]
Meet between the promotions

The participants of the 2022 and 2023 promotions of the Women in Business, BEcome a Leader program had the opportunity to get to know each other and share their experiences during an exceptional evening organized at the Paris residence of Michèle Boisvert, Delegate General of Quebec in France.
New meeting of our Alumni Club France

Passionate and engaging discussions at the end of November under the bright dome of the Printemps Haussmann between about twenty members of our Alumni Club, which regularly gathers participants in our development and intercompany mentoring programs, both women entrepreneurs and those working in corporate groups.
Creation of a dedicated mentoring program

The second edition of the Women In Business program, BEcome a Leader, will include a personal mentoring program for participants by senior mentors from the WIF community, who were gathered for the occasion around a dinner in a private space at Printemps Haussmann. This intercompany mentoring program will take place between January and May 2023.