June 2022 : Launch of the WIF Alumni Club in France

Launch of the WIF Alumni Club in France on June 23 on the 7th floor terrace of the Printemps Haussmann store whose history is closely linked to women since its creation in 1865. Women entrepreneurs and employees of companies participating in our programs were able to share their points of view, compare their needs and […]

June 2022 – New York

Claire Simier and Julie Drapier, our New York ambassadors, gathered the WIF East Coast community on June 14 for a meeting with Layla Law-Gisiko and Penny Abeywardena. Here are some images of this event dedicated to Community Leadership

Avril 2022 – Singapore

The first inter-company mentoring program in Asia ended at the end of April with a dinner during which mentees and mentors were able to meet and share their experience during such a special time.

May 2022: Women Entrepreneurs and Leadership Program

This program dedicated to improving leadership and team or project management skills will be held in Montreal from May 15 to 20. Combining the expertise on these subjects and the complementary cultures of McGill Executive and CentraleSupélec Exed, these six days of teaching, meetings and exceptional events are aimed at women who have been working […]